Friday, April 25, 2008

NorthStar Focus on Reading and Writing 1st ed. High Intermediate

Author: A.K.English, L.M. English
Publisher: Longman
File size: 33 mb
File type: rar, pdf

NorthStar 1st ed. is an integrated, four-level series with two powerful strands. One focuses on developing listening and speaking skills, while the other focuses on reading and writing. The parallel books in each strand are linked at each level by theme, grammar and vocabulary. Because each pair of books explores the same themes from a different angle, the language is reinforced and recycled while the content remains fresh and exciting.

The NorthStar series:

- Presents intriguing angles on contemporary themes for richer discussion and in-depth writing

- Develops language skills through sequenced activities that are fun, focused and communicative

- Encourages students to think independently, make inferences and express their points of view

- Provides cohesive units that develop ideas, build skills, recycle vocabulary and stimulate interest

- Offers a complete, coordinated course by keying the language levels and grammar points to the Focus on Grammar series

Here is your DOWNLOAD LINK:

DOWNLOAD "NorthStar Focus on Reading and Writing 1st ed. High Intermediate"


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